


Taking the wheel of a Mountainkart, even adults can’t help but channel their inner child. Whether it’s mastering the twists and turns, gunning for speed, overtaking, or negotiating the varying terrains, thrill-seekers have the perfect opportunity to showcase their driving prowess. While some opt for a leisurely, scenic ride, others prefer the rush of speeding down the slopes. But regardless of the pace, everyone walks away with cherished memories, a blend of fun and adrenaline.

For those craving that extra buzz, there’s a choice between two routes, with some stretches spanning up to 1,400 metres in length, boasting drops of over 360 metres. Once you’re snug in your kart, there’s just one thing left to do: Ready, set, go!


This activity is priced at €16.00 per person


The route covers a descent of 1.4 kilometres with an elevation drop of over 360 metres


The activity is suitable for children aged 11 and above who are taller than 1.5 metres. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent or a responsible adult


This experience is available daily, with departures at 4:30 pm. Please ensure you book by 4:00 pm the day before, either directly at the ski lift ticket counters, via email, or over the phone


Booking at checkouts, by phone or email

We currently don’t offer online reservations for this activity. For bookings, kindly get in touch with our team at the ski lift counters, or contact us via email or phone by 4:00 pm, for a slot on the following day.

To ensure a safe activity

our safety is our prime concern. The ski resort reserves the right to cancel the activity if weather and snow conditions are deemed unsuitable.

  • Participants must meet certain safety criteria:
    • Minors must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult aged 18 or over.
    • Closed-toe shoes, such as ‘apres-ski’ boots, are mandatory, and participants must wear a full-face helmet throughout the activity.
    • Participants must be aged 11 or older and be over 1.5 metres in height.
    • Children under 14 must have a parent or responsible adult accompanying them.
    • Ensure you have appropriate Public Liability Insurance.


Discover the exhilarating activities on offer at the Sainte Foy Tarentaise ski area, a perfect opportunity to experience the mountains from fresh angles.

Ever fancied being a ski patroller for the day? Make your mark on pristine snow-covered slopes, untouched and waiting for you. Or perhaps try something entirely different – feel the rush of adrenaline as you race down the trails in a high-speed Mountainkart. And when night falls, join us for a thrilling journey across the ski area aboard our mighty snow groomers.

Exciting, captivating, and utterly unforgettable, the one-of-a-kind activities at Sainte Foy Tarentaise have been crafted with mountain enthusiasts in mind, promising moments of pure wonder and adventure.

  • pisteur domaine skiable

    One-day Ski Patroller


  • Mountainkart



A mountain of benefits: buy your pass online

Do you enjoy skiing alone, with family or friends? Do you want to make the most of a day, a weekend or a week’s holiday? Because we all have different desires, the Sainte Foy ski area has come up with the perfect passes to meet everyone’s needs.

To get off to a flying start on the slopes of Sainte Foy, without waiting at the ticket offices of the ski lifts, buy and top up your ski passes online.



Les avantages :

  • Tarif plafonné de 8 à 21 jours
  • Assure le ski et tous les sports de neige
  • Aucune avance de frais pour les secours (sous réserve de la présentation du justificatif de l’assurance Carré Neige au moment du secours)
  • 1 assurance + 1 assistance = 1 seul produit
  • Déclaration de sinistre en ligne
  • Plafond global de 50 000 € avec une franchise unique de 50 € par dossier (dans la limite du plafond indiqué dans le tableau et les garanties se trouvant dans les documents ci-dessous).
  • Garanties complètes acquises dès le 1er jour

Par exemple « Carré Neige » vous couvre en cas :

  • D’accident de ski ou de sports de neige sur le domaine skiable y compris le hors-piste accessible depuis les remontées mécaniques
  • D’accident lors de la pratique de la luge
  • De maladie pendant le séjour
  • D’incapacité de vous déplacer en cas d’accident de ski ou de sport de neige. « Carré Neige » vous rapatrie chez vous.