
What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small computer file, a “tracker”, collected and read when you browse (e.g. when you consult emails, a website or a mobile application) and stored on your terminal, regardless of the model or type (e.g. computer, smartphone, tablet, video game console).

These files may contain various information such as a session identifier, a language, a browsing history, etc. They are mainly used to offer personalised content or advertising and to improve your experience on the Internet.

Cookies are collected and kept, subject to your choices, for a period of 12 months following their collection. However, you can delete them at any time.

What types of cookies are used when you visit this website?

When you visit this website, different types of cookies are used. These cookies may be installed by the Association Les 3 Vallées or administered by partners (e.g. publishers of audience measurement solutions, or social networks). The list of our partners is available here on the link dedicated to this subject.

Some cookies are strictly necessary for your navigation on the site and do not require your consent. These cookies are collected directly by us and allow:

  • The management of your registration and the sending of the newsletter;
  • The measurement of certain site performance in order to detect navigation problems;
  • The retention of your choice of settings and consent regarding the collection of non-mandatory cookies.

The collection and reading of other cookies requires your consent. These cookies are the following:

Functionality cookies allowing:

  • The adaption of the website to the display preferences of your terminal (language, currency, display resolution, operating system used, configuration and parameterisation of the display of the pages of the sites according to the terminal you are using and its location, etc.);
  • The memorisation of certain information that you enter on the website with a view to facilitating and personalising your future browsing;

Audience and performance tracking cookies, which help us to understand your interactions with the website (most visited pages, path, content consulted, applications used, etc.) as well as to process information collected on third-party sites. They enable us to produce statistics, improve the interest and ergonomics of the internal site;

Advertising cookies that allow:

  • Us to offer you relevant targeted content that may be of interest to you (e.g. best offers, other destinations,) based on your interests, your browsing, your preferences;
  • The limitation of the number of times advertisements appear.

If you refuse, the advertisements will continue to be displayed but they will no longer be adapted to your interests.

Affiliation cookies, which identify the original third party website that referred you to this website.

Login cookies, which allow us to access your information from third party accounts if you wish to quickly register with your other accounts (e.g. Facebook, Google, Apple).

Social network cookies, to give you the ability to access our pages, or to share or like information on our site, and conversely for the social networks concerned to track your browsing on our site, or to visit our pages published on the social networks. We have no control over the use of the data collected by these social networks, we invite you to consult their privacy policies (see information below). 

How to accept, reject or delete trackers?

On your first visit to our website, and every 6 months thereafter, you will be asked to accept the collection and use of cookies. To this end, a central window is displayed on our website asking you to accept the collection of cookies or to set your choices (if you wish to modify them or refuse all or part of these cookies).

Please be aware that refusing to accept cookies may result in a degraded experience on our site. We decline all responsibility for the possible consequences of this refusal, in particular for the absence of content adapted to your navigation and your choices.

Furthermore, whatever your choice, you can at any time:

  • Modify your settings within our cookie management tool Manage my consents, exclusively for cookies collected via our site;
  • And/or, to have your browser delete the cookies from your terminal, these choices being applicable to your entire internet browsing.

Here is some useful information about setting cookies on browsers:

Most browsers are set by default to accept the use of all cookies and trackers. You can change this setting to select the cookies you wish to use, or refuse the use of cookies. This setting must be made on each of your terminals (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.).

The methods for setting and deleting cookies are different for each browser. These procedures are described in the help menu of your browser. You will find below the methods of setting the parameters of the tracers for the best-known browsers:

Please note that if you choose to delete all cookies from your terminal via your browser, we will no longer have information about your choice of settings, and will be forced to ask you to re-set your choices the next time you visit our site. The same applies if you use a new browser or new terminal. As these settings are entirely the responsibility of the browsers, we do not guarantee that they will work properly.

More information on settings, by purpose:

Browser settings are sometimes insufficient. If you wish, you can further refine your settings, by targeting the purposes of each cookie:

– For audience tracking and performance: audience measurement and performance cookies are deposited by third party companies, but which help us to improve our website, to make its use easier and more efficient.

Here is a link to a page where you can find out more about these solutions and how to opt out of audience tracking cookies:

– Google Analytics (and other Google products). However, we would like to point out that deleting these cookies deprives us of the knowledge of important statistical information, necessary for the improvement of the site and its customization to your profile and interests.

– For social networks: You will find on this website buttons to redirect you to the pages we publish on social networks. If you have an account with these social networks, they can also follow your navigation on our site.
Pour en savoir plus sur la manière dont ces réseaux utilisent les traceurs et dont vous pouvez paramétrer votre compte, nous vous invitons à cliquer sur les liens suivants :

-  We may also offer you the connection services provided by social networks or certain web players (e.g. Facebook connect, Google connect, Apple Connect) in order to facilitate your registration and your requests for services or products. The use of this feature is up to you and allows you, if you are already a user of these services, to register on our site without having to re-register your information, by giving us permission to access your information. For more information about this information sharing and the use of these tools, we invite you to click on the following links:

Finally, we would like to inform you that there are many programs that can be added to your browser to allow you to block and manage all types of trackers, such as Abine or Ghostery.

For more information on cookies and how to control their collection, you can also consult the CNIL – the French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés) website: “Cookies: tools to control them“.




Les avantages :

  • Tarif plafonné de 8 à 21 jours
  • Assure le ski et tous les sports de neige
  • Aucune avance de frais pour les secours (sous réserve de la présentation du justificatif de l’assurance Carré Neige au moment du secours)
  • 1 assurance + 1 assistance = 1 seul produit
  • Déclaration de sinistre en ligne
  • Plafond global de 50 000 € avec une franchise unique de 50 € par dossier (dans la limite du plafond indiqué dans le tableau et les garanties se trouvant dans les documents ci-dessous).
  • Garanties complètes acquises dès le 1er jour

Par exemple « Carré Neige » vous couvre en cas :

  • D’accident de ski ou de sports de neige sur le domaine skiable y compris le hors-piste accessible depuis les remontées mécaniques
  • D’accident lors de la pratique de la luge
  • De maladie pendant le séjour
  • D’incapacité de vous déplacer en cas d’accident de ski ou de sport de neige. « Carré Neige » vous rapatrie chez vous.