Legal notices

Legal Notices

This legal notice applies to the following websites, all published by Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement:, and



  • Name: Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement
  • Legal form: Simplified joint stock company
  • Share capital: €50,000
  • Head office: Bonconseil, 73640 Sainte Foy Tarentaise, France
  • Chambéry Trade and Companies Register no. 534 985 338
  • Telephone: +33 (0)4 79 06 95 15
  • Email :
  • Intracommunity VAT number: FR40534985338


  • Name: Hostinger International Ltd.
  • Legal form: Limited
  • Registered office: 61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus
  • Website:

Publication Director

  • Name: Christian VIGEZZI
  • Job : Site manager



  • Name: Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement
  • Legal form: Simplified joint stock company
  • Share capital: €50,000
  • Head office: Bonconseil, 73640 Sainte Foy Tarentaise, France
  • Chambéry Trade and Companies Register no. 534 985 338
  • Telephone: +33 (0)4 79 06 95 15
  • Email :
  • Intracommunity VAT number: FR40534985338

Host and Designer

  • Name: Teamaxess
  • Legal form: Société Anonyme
  • Head office: Sonystraße 18, A 5081 Anif/Salzburg, Austria
  • Telephone: +43 6246 202
  • Email :
  • Intracommunity VAT number: ATU 52853005

Publication Director

  • Name: Christian VIGEZZI
  • Job : Site Manager



  • Name: Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement
  • Legal form: Simplified joint stock company
  • Share capital: €50,000
  • Head office: Bonconseil, 73640 Sainte Foy Tarentaise, France
  • Chambéry Trade and Companies Register no. 534 985 338
  • Telephone: +33 (0)4 79 06 95 15
  • Email :
  • Intracommunity VAT number: FR40534985338

Host and Designer

  • Name: Designa Digital Solution
  • Legal form: GmbH
  • Head office: Faluner Weg 3, 24109 Kiel, Germany
  • Telephone: +49 (0)431 5336-0
  • Email :

Publication Director

  • Name: Christian VIGEZZI
  • Job : Site Manager

Terms and conditions of use of the websites

By consulting these websites, you accept without reservation the following conditions of use:

Intellectual property

  1. Copyright

Fundamental principles

These websites and each of the elements that make them up (information, text, images, photographs, illustrations, drawings, graphics, videos, sounds, data, databases, programmes, software, etc.) are the property of Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement or are the subject of exploitation rights granted by the rightful owners to the latter.

These websites and their content are protected under intellectual property law throughout the world.

In this respect, and in accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, only the use of these websites or the elements that make them up is authorised for strictly personal, private and non-commercial use, to the exclusion of any other use.

Apart from the cases authorised by law, any reproduction, representation or use of all or part of these websites or the elements that make them up is strictly forbidden without the prior written authorisation of Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement.

Any unauthorised reproduction, representation or use of these websites or their content constitutes an infringement of the rights of Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement and may incur the civil and criminal liability of its author.

Downloadable content

Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement may provide users of these websites with items (photographs, videos, press kits, press releases, etc.) that you are authorised to download (hereinafter referred to as the “Downloadable Content”). Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement grants you a non-exclusive, free, non-assignable and non-transferable right to copy, download and use the Downloadable Content exclusively for personal and non-commercial purposes for the legal duration of protection of intellectual property rights as defined by French and foreign legislation and international conventions (including any subsequent supplementary or amending regulations), provided that the element of the website copied or downloaded is not modified or altered in any way whatsoever, and that the copyright notices and distinctive signs relating thereto are clearly and legibly indicated.

Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement authorises the use of the press kits and press releases available on these websites by professional journalists solely within the framework and for the needs of their professional activity, subject to the mentions relating to copyright and distinctive signs being clearly and legibly indicated.

By downloading or using the Downloadable Content, you agree to use it in accordance with these terms of use.

Any misuse of the Downloadable Content, likely to damage the image and reputation of Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement or the persons represented on the Downloadable Content, will result in legal proceedings.

Image rights

The images or photographs of people or places appearing on these websites are the property of Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement or are used by Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement with the agreement of the holders of the rights.

Any reproduction, representation, use or modification whatsoever of these images or photographs is prohibited without prior written authorisation from Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement.

Any use, even partial, of these documents in breach of the aforementioned obligation will render the person responsible liable to prosecution.

User contributions

Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement may make available on its websites a space for user content, such as opinions or photos (hereinafter referred to as “User Content”).

By publishing User Content on these websites, you grant Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, free and worldwide licence to reproduce, represent, adapt, translate, to use and distribute the User Content published for the entire legal period of protection of intellectual property rights as defined by French and foreign legislation and international conventions (including any subsequent supplementary or amending regulations), on these websites and on the social networks where Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement is or will be present.

This authorisation includes the right for Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement to adapt the User Content or to make any changes to the initial fixation that Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement deems useful, as long as this does not substantially alter the User Content.

You represent and warrant, without reservation, that :

  • You are the sole author of the User Content that you publish, and in this capacity, you have full, complete and exclusive ownership and enjoyment of all intellectual property rights, as defined by the French Intellectual Property Code, attached to the User Content published;
  • User Content is an original work within the meaning of copyright law;
  • You have acquired from the third parties concerned all intellectual property rights (copyright, neighbouring rights, trademark rights, patent rights, design rights, etc.), personality rights and, in general, all property rights, of any nature whatsoever, likely to encumber the User Content for the purposes of allowing the use of the User Content by Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement under the conditions described herein;
  • The User Content published does not infringe intellectual property rights, image rights, the privacy of individuals or, in general, the property rights of third parties;
  • The User Content published does not include any content that is unlawful, defamatory, libellous, disparaging, abusive, offensive, discriminatory, hateful, racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, homophobic, violent, shocking, obscene, vulgar, pornographic or sexually suggestive, contrary to decency, paedophilic, child pornography or constituting abuse or harassment, likely to harm minors in any form whatsoever or which would promote alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tobacco products, or any substance whose use or marketing is restricted or prohibited in France;
  • The User Content published does not violate any law, regulation or standard in force on French territory;
  • You have full power and authority to grant the rights hereunder.

The authorisation granted to you hereunder does not entail any obligation on the part of Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement to distribute the User Content published. Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement reserves the right to remove published User Content from the media at any time, for any reason whatsoever and without prior notice.

Social networks are platforms belonging to third parties. Consequently, the distribution and use of User Content on these social networks are governed by the conditions of use established by these third parties. Thus, Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement cannot be held responsible for any use of User Content by itself or by third parties in compliance with the conditions of use established by the social networks, and in particular in terms of the scope of rights granted, the duration of rights and the deletion of User Content. You are personally responsible for any claims by third parties relating to the use of User Content in accordance with the conditions of use established by the social networks.

Furthermore, any User Content is likely to be referenced on a search engine, and therefore to be consulted by an audience outside that of these websites.

  1. Distinguishing marks

The company names, trade names, acronyms, trademarks, logos and other distinctive signs reproduced on these websites are protected under trademark law.

Any reproduction, representation or use, in whole or in part, alone or as part of other elements, of any of the aforementioned distinctive signs without the prior written authorisation of the holder of the rights to said distinctive sign is strictly prohibited.

  1. Databases

Any databases made available to you on these websites are the property of Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement, which is the producer of the databases.

It is forbidden to extract or re-use a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the databases, including for private purposes.

Hypertext links

The creation of hypertext links to these websites is authorised, provided that :

  • The pages of these websites are not nested within the pages of another site, but are accessible in their entirety in a new window;
  • The information on these websites will not be used for commercial purposes;
  • The websites from which a hypertext link is established do not disseminate information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature, which may offend the public or harm the image of Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement.

Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement reserves the right to withdraw this authorisation at any time and without having to justify its decision.


Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement shall not be held liable for any of the following:

  • Temporary inaccessibility of these websites due to maintenance operations;
  • Internet network malfunction affecting access to this site. In this respect, you declare that you are aware of and accept the technical and functional characteristics, as well as the limits, of the Internet network (in terms of access, availability, congestion, failure, saturation, transit time, response time for displaying, consulting, querying or transferring data, interruption, lack of protection of certain data against misappropriation or piracy, risk of contamination by a virus, etc.);

  • Malfunction or misuse of your terminal or any other equipment used to access these websites;
  • You providing incorrect, incomplete or misleading information;
  • Failure, loss, delay or error in data transmission beyond the control of Sainte Foy Tarentaise Loisirs Développement;
  • The content of the information contained on sites to which these websites refer via hypertext links;
  • A breach by you of these terms of use.



Les avantages :

  • Tarif plafonné de 8 à 21 jours
  • Assure le ski et tous les sports de neige
  • Aucune avance de frais pour les secours (sous réserve de la présentation du justificatif de l’assurance Carré Neige au moment du secours)
  • 1 assurance + 1 assistance = 1 seul produit
  • Déclaration de sinistre en ligne
  • Plafond global de 50 000 € avec une franchise unique de 50 € par dossier (dans la limite du plafond indiqué dans le tableau et les garanties se trouvant dans les documents ci-dessous).
  • Garanties complètes acquises dès le 1er jour

Par exemple « Carré Neige » vous couvre en cas :

  • D’accident de ski ou de sports de neige sur le domaine skiable y compris le hors-piste accessible depuis les remontées mécaniques
  • D’accident lors de la pratique de la luge
  • De maladie pendant le séjour
  • D’incapacité de vous déplacer en cas d’accident de ski ou de sport de neige. « Carré Neige » vous rapatrie chez vous.